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Does My Dallas Lawn Need Pre-Emergent In The Fall?

November 15, 2021 - Lawn Care

With the changing of seasons often comes a change in schedules. Children are back to school and activities that keep them and their families busy. Others are starting to plan their winter get-aways. Few are thinking about lawn care and the importance of maintaining their lawn year-round. Most people may not realize that with a little bit of planning and effort throughout the fall and winter, their lawns could look better than ever in the spring and summer months.

Homeowners in Texas should consider using a pre-emergent on their lawns to cut back on weed growth and maintain those beautiful green rolling lawns. Pre-emergent is a product used on lawns that stops seed growth of all kinds yet doesn’t harm the existing grass.

When To Treat Your Texas Lawn With Pre-Emergent

The best time of year to treat your Texas property with a pre-emergent is fall to early spring. Depending on the season, some pre-emergents are designed to attack seeds for weeds, trees, and other plants that are most likely to crop up during that time.

Pre-emergent treatment could help eliminate the germination of broadleaf weeds, winter grasses, henbit, and chickweed in the fall and winter. In the early spring, pre-emergent treatments will aid in keeping weeds such as dandelions, crabgrass, thistle, henbit, and broadleaf weeds from taking over your lawn.

The optimal solution for maintaining a weed-free lawn is to follow a year-round lawn maintenance schedule:

  • Winter: Apply a liquid pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control to combat winter grasses, broadleaf weeds, henbit, and chickweed.
  • Early Spring - Spring: In early spring, use liquid pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control for broadleaf weeds, crabgrass, dandelions, thistle, and henbit. Later in the season, apply a granular or liquid slow-release fertilizer.
  • Summer: The use of granular or liquid application of Addison Green Lawn’s slow-release fertilizer will aid in strengthening your existing grass and weed control. 
  • Fall - Late Fall: Application of a liquid pre-emergent and post-emergent will combat the growth of winter weeds such as early germinating winter weeds and broadleaf weeds.

Applying A Pre-Emergent To Your Dallas Lawn: DIY Or Hire A Professional?

As with most homecare topics, especially when handling chemicals, it’s always best to research before starting a project. The application of granular pre-emergent weed control can be made with a spreader. It is important to fully read instructions before you start to ensure safety for yourself, your family, and your pets and increase the full effectiveness of the treatment.

Liquid pre-emergent weed control can be done with a sprayer, and again it is important to follow all safety instructions. It is important to understand how weather conditions can aid or hinder the effectiveness of a pre-emergent or post-emergent weed control application.

Taking on another household task can be time-consuming and expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. Take the burden of lawn care off your plate and call the professionals at Addison Green Lawn instead.

Let The Professionals Weed-Treat Your Dallas Lawn

Contact Addison Green Lawn today for more information about our pre-emergent weed protection and what you can do in each season to enhance your lawn. Our lawn specialists are professionally trained and can optimize the effectiveness of proper weed control at your Dallas home.

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