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The Secret To Effective Weed Control For Your Dallas Lawn

July 15, 2020 - Lawn Care

We all want to look out our front doors to see an expanse of luscious green grass. Here in Dallas, there are a number of common weeds that stand between us and this vision. Some of these weeds look like grass or cute flowers at first glance but, if left to grow, will damage the health of our lawns.

What Are Weeds?

Crabgrass and dallisgrass are often confused with each other but are actually different species and require different treatment to eliminate. Nutsedge is another grass-like weed, common in Dallas lawns. It can be recognized by its thicker leaves that grow in groups of three from the base.

Dandelions are known throughout the US for being troublesome and extremely good at multiplying. Their taproot is buried two to three feet deep in the soil making it difficult for them to be pulled out by hand. That along with their airborne seeds causing rapid reseeding makes dandelions a frustrating nuisance weed.

Henbit looks pretty with its purple flowers but it is a worrisome weed. This plant grows everywhere and almost always requires the help of a lawn care professional to eradicate.

Why Worry?

With so many weeds looking a lot like grass or even attractive flowers, why even worry about them? Weeds by definition are a plant that is growing where it isn’t wanted. Plants become weeds when their bad qualities begin to outnumber the good. It’s important to catch weeds before they get out of control because they usually have high seed production, establish themselves quickly, and spread easily.

The seeds of these plants can lay dormant for long periods of time until conditions are just right for development and growth - making them hard to control and prevent. If left alone, weeds can take over our yards. They compete for space and nutrients of our desired plants. When grass is starved for nutrients it becomes prone to other issues such as insect infestation, disease, and drought. To protect our lawns and keep them healthy, weeds should never be allowed to grow and thrive in our yards.

How Can We Prevent Weeds?

There are some basic principles to follow when looking to prevent weeds from overtaking our lawns. First of all it is important to mow regularly, make use of fertilizer, overseed in the fall, and avoid overwatering. These steps will help thicken your lawn and limit the amount of space weeds have to grow and thrive.

The second thing to think about is avoiding accidental germination. You should always use reliable sources when introducing new seed, sod, sprigs, topsoil, or compost to your lawn. These materials have the potential to spread new weeds if they are not high quality. It is also important to keep mowers, string trimmers, and other equipment clean and free of debris to avoid transporting weeds from place to place. Finally an important part of weed control for any lawn is ongoing professional assistance.

How Do We Get Started?

To learn more about how to get started with lawn care in Dallas, contact Addison Green Lawn. We offer comprehensive lawn care and weed control services for both homes and businesses. Our professionals know how to control and eliminate common area weeds and will provide consistent and regular services to ensure your lawn stays weed-free. We look forward to providing customized seasonal lawn care to control weeds and keep your lawn healthy. Call today to request a free inspection so you can partner with us for a beautiful healthier lawn!

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