(972) 833-0682
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Privacy Policy

At Addison Pest Control and Addison Green Lawn, we value our relationship with you and hold your privacy as highly important to us. This Privacy Statement applies to all Addison Pest Control and Addison Green Lawn products, services and web sites.

The type of information we routinely collect is typically personal in nature and typically identifies you. We routinely collect your name, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses and in some cases may collect credit card information to process payments.

Addison typically uses Third Party Software platforms to manage its operations. We have done our best due diligence to ensure these providers are compliant with laws and regulations and are dedicated to adhering to strict, current and up to date privacy standards as set forth by State and Federal Law. While we have done our best due diligence we can not represent or warranty the quality of their products or services.

We protect the confidentiality of this information from loss or misuse by using security safeguards such as firewalls, VPS and security procedures.

This policy was last modified on 09/18/2019

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(972) 833-0682

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